Commercial Station Grants and Partnerships 2012 - July, 2015

August 29th, 2015


KXLF Communications: $30,000 to support a documentary about the history of “Our Lady of the Rockies” to premier at the 30th anniversary program in Butte, fall, 2015, to educate and inform Montanans and visitors about the important background of the creation of the statue.

KRTV-KXLF TV: $4100 for “On Special Assignment:  National Police Week,” for travel to Washington, D.C. during National Police Week for the Cascade Co. Sheriff’s office and the family of fallen deputy Joe Dunn, who was killed last August during the high-speed pursuit of a suspect. Dunn's name was added to the National Officers' Memorial. Sheriff Edwards also attended seminars helping him to train his officers to cope with such tragic circumstances. Nightly news briefs and a documentary were produced.

Montana Broadcasters Association: 30,300 for the annual EB awards for broadcast excellence.


KULR-8 News, Cowles Montana Media: $8250 for Stopping Traffic: A Fight for Hope and Freedom, an hour long documentary and preview stories about the critical and tragic issue of human trafficking in Montana, recounting current efforts to combat it by state leaders, including legislators, law enforcement and others, who are working to bring this issue to the forefront.

MTN-Cordillera Communications: $10,000, for the production and statewide broadcast of the 2014 election cycle’s only live TV debates: one between the US Senatorial candidates and another between the US Congressional candidates, produced in partnership with Montana PBS, to better inform the Montana electorate.

KRTV-Montana Television Network: $6658 for On Special Assignment: The Montana-China Connection, to support expenses for one MTN staff member to accompany Governor Bullock and the Montana delegation on a ground-breaking official trip to China to explore a variety of new trade opportunities, including a visit with Ambassador Max Baucus, Montana’s former US Senator. News briefs and a documentary were produced.

KRTV- Montana Television Network: $6780 for On Special Assignment: Senator Max Baucus to cover travel for a three-member team to Washington, DC for a series covering the Senator’s legacy.   Reporting included Senator Baucus’ confirmation hearing, and interviews with the Senator and those who served with him, and additional reporting on his legacy in Montana. News briefs and a documentary were produced.
Beartooth Communications Company (NBC stations KTVH/KBGF): $3600 for The Languages of War: Teaching Soldiers, Saving Lives, produced by Ian Marquand. The 30 minute program (with associated news reports) tells how a language and culture program at the University of Montana’s Mansfield Center saved lives of American soldiers and Iraqi and Afghani civilians during the last six years of war. (grant awarded in late 2013 – program aired in early 2014)
Montana Broadcasters Association: $30,690 in continuing support for the annual EB awards for broadcast excellence and $500 for grammar guides for all stations.


Beartooth Communications Company (NBC stations KTVH/KBGF): $3,600 for a 30 minute program, with associated news reports, on “The Languages of War: Teaching Soldiers, Saving Lives,” produced by Ian Marquand. The program covers a unique language and culture program at the University of Montana’s Mansfield Center that has helped save lives of American soldiers and Iraqi and Afghani civilians over the past six years of war.
Montana Broadcasters Association: $6500 for Media Sharz a new, interactive web site that allows news stories and Montana produced programs to be shared with other broadcasters. The website can be used by not only broadcasters but Greater Montana Foundation grantees to distribute their programs to others. $32,525 in continuing support for the annual EB awards for broadcast excellence.


Station KBZK, Bozeman: $14, 561 for “Scientific Research in Antarctica Project,” to support reporter Suzanne Philippus, selected by the National Science Foundation for the 2012 Journalist Deployment to Antarctica. She produced a seven part series of news packages and a Face the State program, which aired on all CBS affiliates in Montana. The expedition occurred in December and the programs were aired in February, 2013.

KSVI KHMT TV, Billings: $10,000 for “Cold Cases of Yellowstone County, a series of videos featuring unsolved cases, working with the Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Department new Cold Case Unit. The videos air in Billings on KHMT and KSVI and state-wide on TVMT, reaching 55 Montana communities. The Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Office has posted the videos to their web-site and You Tube, while a new web site ( has been created specifically for these episodes. The episodes have generated numerous tips now being investigated by the Cold Case Unit.
Montana Broadcasters Association: $30,525 for the EB Craney “Excellence in Broadcasting” 50th Anniversary Commemorative award program and $2,000 to support continuing professional education.

General Grants

General grants are available for nonprofits and others: for film, TV programs, documentaries, videos, webinars, etc. with applications due annually on April 1 and awards made in June.

Commercial Grants

A major goal for GMF’s founder, Ed Craney was to improve commercial broadcasting in the state. There is no deadline for grant applications from commercial stations if you can demonstrate that this is an urgent and critical issue & production is time-limited