2012 Grant Awards


KULR-8/MAX Media of Montana:  $5,720 for the Libby Health Care Project, a special report on the impact of health care reform legislation for Montanans, specifically the community of Libby.     Veteran reporter Ian Marquand highlights how the current law relates to residents affected by asbestos-related disease.

MusEco Media and Education Project:  $5,000 for Green Smarts with the Green Man, an on-going series of television vignettes on how Montanans can integrate smart, environmentally responsible choices in their daily lives.


Montana Broadcasters Association:  $29,200 for the EB Craney “Excellence in Broadcasting” award program and $2,000 to support continuing professional education.


Friends of Montana Public Broadcasting System:  $50,000 to continue support for a wide variety of Montana TV programs, including: 2012 Election Coverage; production of “Indian Relay,” a portrait of several American Indian families as they prepare and compete in a unique horse racing event; Backroads of Montana; and 11th and Grant Season VII with Eric Funk.  New program initiatives include Smoke Elser: A Life in the Wilderness; and two episodes of Montana Focus, one highlighting struggles and successes of homeless students in Montana, and the other a special one hour partnership with the Burton K. Wheeler Center focusing on aging dams around Montana, including Fort Peck Dam.

Montana State University KGLT: $5,000 each for two radio series.  Montana Medicine Show features stories of little-known Montana history in two minute segments; Sonic ID provides interviews with a wide diversity of people in the Intermountain West, along with selected recordings from historical and radio archives.

Montana State University School of Film and Photography:  $2,000 for the Hugh Galusha-Ed Craney scholarship award.


Home Ground News: Changes and Choices in the American West.  $10,000 to continue support of Brian Kahn’s statewide  award-winning public affairs radio program which features in-depth dialogue about Montana issues and citizens.

Montana Historical Society:   $105,000 as the fourth installment of a $600,000 six-year pledge to support Museum modernization and expansion, including establishment of the E.B. Craney studio and broadcast production facilities at MHS,  and archiving Ed Craney’s and the Greater Montana Foundation’s historical records.

Helena Civic TV: $10,000 to support Global Positioning, a new weekly public affairs television series about Montana’s engagement in the international community.  The program aims to expand awareness of  international economic and cultural connections between people and businesses in Montana and the world.


University of Montana Department of Radio-Television: $17,000 to fund student internships, the annual student documentary, and other on-going productions such as  Business: Made in Montana, and Montana Journal, a 30 minute TV news magazine.

University of Montana  Broadcast Media Center:  $10,000 in continued funding for Montana Public Radio’s ICE project, (Inform, Consent and Engage)¸ an on-going program to expand local broadcast news coverage in western Montana.

University of Montana O’Connor Center for the Rocky Mountain West: $5,000 for Headwaters News, a daily on-line web-based news service focused on regional issues.  $10,000 for Mountain West Voices, radio and multi-media stories produced by Clay Scott, Helena, about Montana individuals and communities.


2013 Grant Awards