MAPS Media Institute

The Greater Montana Foundation is very proud of its support of the Irwin and Florence Rosten Foundation, also known as MAPS Media Institute. MAPS originated as Media Arts in the Public Schools in 2004. GMF has awarded $20,000 for the program and $60,000 for a new Mobile Lab in grants in 2017 to MAPS which allows the program to reach rural and reservation communities. GMF has awarded MAPS over $134,000 since 2014. The innovative work MAPS performs is increasingly successful and garnering a great deal of positive recognition.

One of the Blackfoot reservation students, Chase Hall, became an award-winning filmmaker as part of the MAPS outreach program. He was recently recognized in Helena, at the historic Montana Club, during an event featuring Wind River Movie Director, Taylor Sheridan, who was the keynote speaker. Mr. Hall is center in the photo, with Mr. Sheridan on the left, and Daryl Begay, Advisor, Wind River, on the right. You can read more about this in their Facebook post.

MAPS also has received a prestigious national award for "effectiveness in engaging youth in the arts or humanities" from the National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, Institute of Museum and Library Services, and National Assembly of State Arts Agencies. – Ravalli Republic

2017 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award winners.

MAPS staff and students with National Endowment of the Arts Chairwoman, Dr. Jane Chu, at the 2017 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award ceremony. From left to right, student Zane Faux, MAPS Executive Director Clare Ann Harff, Dr. Jane Chu, student Myles Smith and MAPS AmeriCorps VISTA Sarah Jones.

MAPS student representative, Myles Smith, looking comfortable at the 2017 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award, hosted at the historic Anderson House in Washington D.C.

MAPS staff and students with Pam Breaux, President and CEO of the National Assembly of State Art Agencies at the 2017 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award ceremony. From left to right, student Zane Faux, MAPS Executive Director Clare Ann Harff, Pam Breaux, student Myles Smith and MAPS AmeriCorps VISTA Sarah Jones.


Media Coverage of the 2016 Presidential Campaign - Video Recording


2017 Grant Awards