Ed Johnson, Vice Chair

Edwin D. Johnson is a lifelong Montana resident, having been born in Philipsburg. With the exception of a few instances of short periods traveling or working out of state, he has lived in Montana his entire life enjoying Montana sports and Montana history.

Much of his professional life has been as a cabinet-level administrator in student-centered enrollment management, most of it with the Montana University system. A graduate of Montana State University, Bozeman, he has completed post-baccalaureate course work through Montana Tech of the University on Montana.

At Montana Tech of the University of Montana, Johnson held various positions from 1988 to 2006, including Registrar and University Associate Dean, Director of Summer School, Director of Continuing Education and Director of Admissions. He also served as the Registrar at the University of Montana, Missoula from 2009-2013.

Johnson’s related professional activities include serving as a member of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and as Vice President and President of the Montana Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. He is the recipient of the Montana Tech Achievement Award, selected on the basis of exceptional dedication to the college, students, employees, and community.

His other work experience is wide and varied, including serving as a station manager for KOPR-FM Radio in Butte. He has worked in retail sports sales, as a professional musician (which has become his vocation since retiring from higher education administration), and for two mining compaies, a logging company and as a ranch hand.

Long involved with volunteer community activities, his nonprofit service began as an MSU student, with Big Brothers and Sisters, and continued with fundraising events for BBBS in Butte. He assisted Montana Power Company in selecting recipients of their dependents-of-employees scholarships. More recently he has volunteered at Butte’s Montana Folk Festival and was a member of the Philipsburg Sesquicentennial Celebration Committee.

Ed spends the majority of the year in Montana, where he travels the state extensively playing music, while maintaining a family cabin near Philipsburg. The rest of the year sees him traveling and spending time with a son (MT) and daughter (WA), as well as visiting family in CT and GA.

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