Stan Stephens

Stan Stephens

Stan Stephens, co-owner of KOJM in Havre, helped define for all Montana broadcasters the impact a radio station has on its community. From 1953 to 1985, with partner Lyle Leeds, Stephens guided KOJM to a policy of local fund-raisers and free air time for citizens to speak on key issues.

Stephens developed the art of the radio editorial, winning RTNDA’s Edward R. Murrow award in 1975 for exposing a workmen’s compensation scandal.

Stephens served as Governor of Montana from 1989-93.

Of the non-revenue aspect of public service broadcasting, Stephens said, “You cash it in within yourself, with the pride of what you’re doing and the recognition that it’s worthwhile and important.”

The Greater Montana Foundation thanks Scripps and their Television stations throughout Montana for providing studio, production and edit facilities for the Legacy Broadcasters Initiative interviews. Without their generous support, this project would not have been possible.

The Legacy Project of the Greater Montana Foundation is produced in coordination with the Montana Historical Society. Many thanks to all who work and donate to MHS and its great work.